Tuesday, June 25, 2019

some quizzes

 A couple of years ago now, my sister and I (visit her blog here) made some quizzes together. I am quite fond of quizzes. I like anything that forces me to stop and think about who I am. We made these in summer while eating copious amounts of protein bars and sitting in my dark closet. We always use our time well. Always.

(This particular quiz website requires an email for you to be able to see your result. Just make one up, you don't need to get into it or anything. That's what I did anyway. My fake email is: BilboIsBae@verizon.net... I wish I was lying)

No. 1
Are You a Changeling?

Celena and I have a dread fascination with Changelings. In fact, if I am completely honest, I am convinced I am one. It would explain a lot.

No. 2
Which Ever After High Character Are You?

We loved watching Ever After High and were unabashedly borderline obsessed with it when it first aired. I do love fairytale retellings. There is something so timeless about them.

No. 3
Which Merlin Character Are You?

Celena and I  L O V E Merlin. We love it. It is right underneath Robin Hood on our list of favorite shows.

I got,
I am a forgotten elven changeling, most like Raven Queen, and most like Morgana Pendragon. Do share your results with me in the comments below.
