Wednesday, January 16, 2019

Will Scarlet: The Medieval Homeschooler

  My sisters and I have been watching Robin Hood BBC. I remember watching this series live with my family. I was UNBELIEVABLY excited to see the next episode. I wanted to be as strong as Marian and as passionate as Robin. It is without a doubt my favorite television series.

 Side note: the third season never happened. It doesn't exist. Third season? What third season? 

 While I feel deeply connected to this series, I am even MORE connected to Will Scarlet. Because he is without a doubt, a medieval homeschooler. Just look at him. 

His pants are too short for his lanky frame. Only a homeschooler wears a cape like that. I bet you his clothes are a mixture of hand-me-downs and rummage sale finds.

“Anyone have a problem with a woman joining the gang?” (gif) Too adorable

 Everyone looks to the homeschooler for approval. They trust our instincts and morals. They're "homegrown"

Such sass. Will Scarlet the medieval homeschooler tells it like it is. Homeschoolers are strictly no-nonsense. 

 Will spends time honing his talents. On a Friday night, you won't find him at the tavern. He'll be carving like the crafty craftsman he is. 

Such grace. Those ballroom dance lessons really paid off. 

Of course, they hand the baby to the homeschooler. Having thirty-six siblings means we know about such things.

 So, when you're feeling down because no one else remembers all 207 episodes of Little House on The Prairie or understands the excitement of finishing school and already being home, Will Scarlet is there.