Friday, February 1, 2019

journal no. 1: the road goes ever on and on

the melody

 I had a dream last night. Well, it was like a dream. I saw myself walking down the trail of grass we have behind our house. I was so distressed, and was crying so hard that I stumbled more than walked. At the beginning of the path was snow. But the further I walked the more springlike it became. God was watching me in my pain and he knew how much it hurt me. How badly I wanted to escape my turmoil. So he took my pain away. I left the path and stood in the field. My feet became the roots of a tree and slowly I turned to wood. My arms were branches, white almond blossoms blooming from my fingertips. Just before my body became a fully twisted tree, I looked up at the moon, which was fading because of the sun rising. My final tears rushed from my eyes and I felt at peace. My pain stopped and I danced with nature in the soft sunlight.

  That dream terrified me. I have always believed that I would rather feel pain than nothing at all. I feel as though I am weakening the longer I struggle. But I must remain strong. Courage is not the absence of fear, but rather the decision that something else is more important.

The road goes ever on and on.



  1. It is like Eva 8's story in Wondla. She also was filled with turmoil and then became a tree. But would you rather be filled with peaceful finality while watching everything that ever filled you with fear fade away or live on with the pain and seek that small measure of peace in life that so many of us search for but few of us ever find.

    1. The wisdom in your comment killed me.

    2. I love it when I kill with wisdom.

    3. bahahahaha!!!! There is a certain thrill in it, for sure.
