yes, I have created a blog tag. honestea is my debut tag and might I say, tag making is surprisingly hard to do. so, well done all you seasoned taggers. this is an exposé tag, an open book tag, a tag filled with hones-TEA(forgive my gen-z terminology but it is just too perfect not to use) and is best suited for bloggers, writers, and story lovers who aren't afraid to spill a cuppa.
no lies allowed. if an answer is too shameful to expose you may substitute the answer with a gif/image of someone drinking tea.
e. g. →
there are optional bonus additions to questions but these are not for the faint of heart. if you complete the tag having answered every question + the bonus additions (no gifs used), you are dubbed a certified tea chugger, and you deserve a badge to show the world that you are not afraid of a steaming hot cup of TRUTH. tag at least one other person (a tea party with just one is not very fun. trust me.) untagged persons are more than welcome to fill it out as well (nothing cooler than crashing a tea party).
you may place the badge in your blogger side bar or include it at the end of your tag post. you may even snatch it when you have
not earned it and I won't do a thing about it. and yes, I
will be certifying myself.
what is a 'bad' (generally disliked) movie that you actually love?
what is your most shocking reading habit?
tell us the number one lie you write in your posts.
tell us the worst character name you've ever thought up. {bonus: share a character name you find ridiculous in a book/movie}
what is the real reason you procrastinate writing your work in progress?
what is a genre of music you secretly love?
if you're a plotter, what do you really think of pansters? and if you're a panster, what do you really think of plotters?
share at least three lines of dialogue from one of your first writing projects {bonus: give us the good stuff. your most gruesome butchering of the English language)
tell us the title & artist of the last song you listened to.
which beloved book/movie character do you dislike & why?
tell us the title & topic of a post you have left in draft.
what is a book you pretend you've read/would like to read but know you never will? {bonus: share a time when claiming you've read a classic/well known book didn't end well}
tell us the title & topic of the most embarrassing post you've ever written. {bonus: include. the. link.}
I TAG...
Skye - Ink Calamities, Elizabeth - Autumn Ink, Brooke - everglow, N'Rae - N'Rae Bends, and YOU who are reading this.
MY ANSWERS (+ introductory gif defining my current state of apprehension. doesn't count.)
what is a 'bad' (generally disliked) movie that you actually love?
Inkheart. I wouldn't say it is disliked by all, just by those who have read the book. it is not a great representation of the book or a super well produced film, but I just absolutely love it.
what is your most shocking reading habit?
I would say eating while reading and getting food on the pages of the book. I'm going to gag just thinking about it. I'm thoroughly ashamed.
tell us the number one lie you write in your posts.
any time I say I'm "writing" something. I'm not. I'm thinking up scenes while listening to epic music. but I'm not actually writing.
tell us the worst character name you've ever thought up. {bonus: share a character name you find ridiculous in a book/movie}
malaria. as in the disease. the actual illness. however I thought that it was a name and that it was pronounced mal-uh-REE-uh, and that it was quite pretty.
bonus: I really hate the villain guy's name in Cruel Beauty by Rosamund Hodge. Ignifex? that sounds like toilet bowl cleaner.
what is the real reason you procrastinate writing your work in progress?
I struggle to write about my characters doing wonderful amazing things while I sit at a desk. the number one reason I don't write often anymore or procrastinate when I do want to write is because I want to experience adventure, not write about it.
what is a genre of music you secretly love?
I love Irish folk music. celtic thunder and celtic woman are my JAM. also, Barbie soundtracks. It isn’t difficult to share that on here but I recently had a conversation with a coworker about music and that reminded me that first, people don’t know what Irish folk is and second, people think if you like anything other than Kanye you’re in a cult.
if you're a plotter, what do you really think of pansters? and if you're a panster, what do you really think of plotters?
I always thought I was a plotter. Then, I tried to finish nanowrimo with a completed plot and found myself stifled and staring at a blank screen. when I thought of a random scene chapters into the story, I could write and write with such detail and life BUT I couldn’t find a way to connect those beautiful scenes at allll. so I guess what I'm saying is I'm an in-betweenie. and both sides have their value. but pansting a whole novel? pfffft weird.
share at least three lines of dialogue from one of your first writing projects {bonus: give us the good stuff. your most gruesome butchering of the English language)
for the sake of the bonus addition, I won't be fixing any spelling or grammar mistakes in these and I will give you more than one.
"Dani planted both feet firmly onto the street and propelled herself forward, twisting mid air like an awkward flying fish, over the crumbling stone gate and onto the hard grass beyond it."
an awkward flying fish. I deserve an award for best simile ever written.
but wait, there's more.
"though Pippin was fully aware that that was highly impossible for the imaginary fish to leap from the water and slowly slide down his arm, it still made him feel better."
I'm not going to give this context because even if I did it still wouldn't make sense.
"It began poring rain, large, thick, electric blue, and lime green lightning bolts began to strike the waters, making them roar with pain and rage."
ever heard of water being in pain? apparently, I had.
I have entire manuscripts of this high class writing if any agents are interested.
tell us the title & artist of the last song you listened to.
wow. this one almost made me use a gif. I reallllllly want to use a gif. don't think of me differently, readers. the last song I listened to was Chained to The Rythm by Katy Perry. I'm so sorry.
which beloved book/movie character do you dislike & why?
after book 3, I hate Ronald Weasley. he's whiny and selfish and he consistently mistreats his friends. I also despise the 10th doctor. he's arrogant and he does. not. care. about his companions. also what he did to Rose was treason.
tell us the title & topic of a post you have left in draft.
the first has no title, only one sentence in the body that says, "strange thought: the moon's beard is the forest and the mountains his cap." the second, is exclusively filled with The Lord of The Rings memes and is titled, "because I cannot stop laughing at these". I don't know when exactly I'll post either of those, but keep your eyes peeled.
what is a book you pretend you've read/would like to read but know you never will? {bonus: share a time when claiming you've read a classic/well known book didn't end well}
I wish I had already read the more recent-ish classics like 1984, Fahrenheit 451, or Animal Farm, etc. so sometimessss I nod and smile when those books come up and don't specify that I haven't read them. does that count?
however, to the bonus question I say,
I really just can't begin to explain how much I wanted to avoid this question. so there goes my perfect score. but I get to keep my dignity so there are pros and cons.
tell us the title & topic of the most embarrassing post you've ever written. {bonus: include. the. link.}
probably the entire series of About the Author August because I never managed to post on time and I literally never finished the series. embarrassing. especially because the first post in that series is my most read post so now five people the whole world knows I’m a flighty flaky blogger. here's the link to the last post where I say I'm going to post again and then never do :)
I physically cringed a lot filling this out. I think that means it was successful? I did not earn certified tea chugger. what a shame. don't be surprised if you see the badge in my sidebar regardless. Let me know what you think of the tag & whether or not you are willing to take on the challenge!
-from Nie