Monday, December 6, 2021

such deep feelings


there is something about black & white films. this feeling of seriousness. of simplicity. like the movie is leaning in close and whispering to you. 

this clip is one of the most beautifully acted scenes i've ever seen. 

do not watch this movie unless you are prepared to snot. 

these things have been floating around in my mind lately. i suppose you would call it an aesthetic. but somehow that doesn’t seem right. it isn’t an attraction to the colors black and white that makes me write this post. or a desire to rewatch old films that feel old and are old and thus are “interesting”. it is because these things make me feel something that i’m driven to write about them. 

lately i’ve been experiencing such deep feelings. they are difficult to describe but very easy to feel. the only way to interpret them is through art. music. film. poetry. looking at the night sky. for they are such deep feelings. 

- from Nie


  1. I feel that so much. About feelings. I feel so deeply and words never seem to come to describe it. all I have is writing and poems and art and the hopes that I can express myself through that and pour it all into these creative things so maybe someone else will feel something deep, too. this post is so lovely <3

    1. I can tell you are a cursed “feeler” too, Brooke from your poetry and even just the way you blog. You are so right about feeling that hope that maybe it will make sense to someone somewhere. It feels like you are just an interpreter fumbling through translations sometimes. I wish I could get into poetry again and write as frequently as you seem to do! Your style of poetry is beautiful 🤍

  2. Passion is, I think, the creator's drive but the unanswered question is the creator's journey.

    1. beautifully said. and very true. without the question we wouldn't be pushed to create.

  3. I always feel like a cup filled to the brim with emotion and it's always spilling all over the place. The deep feeling thing. Black and white images really do evoke them
